
The sheer amount of information circulating about the Covid-19 pandemic can be overwhelming, but the responsible resources available to the public can be invaluable in terms of staying safe and understanding the disease and the efforts to control its spread. The NDSU Covid-19 Digital History Project team has compiled a selection of trusted outlets for information regarding Covid-19, which are presented below.


RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a fast and easy way to receive only the latest news and posts from a specific source or on a specific topic. They are commonly used to keep your podcast list up-to-date and can help users access important information during a rapidly changing event like the Covid-19 pandemic. Below you will find a few useful RSS feeds that will automatically update as the sources add new material.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – 2019 Novel Coronavirus Information

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Covid-19 YouTube Feed

This playlist, provided by the CDC covers a variety of topics associated with the Covid-19 pandemic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – American Sign Language (ASL) Covid-19 YouTube Feed

This playlist, provided by the CDC covers a variety of topics associated with the Covid-19 pandemic in ASL